交友的艺术青少年社交小组 – The Art of Making Friends Social Skills Program For Youth

Chinese Outline of Art of Making Friends

这个8次的社交训练小组分兩期,共16節。組員能愉快地学習有效的沟通、如何减低焦虑和交友之道,适合有社交焦虑和自闭症的青少年(12-19岁)参加。家长也能学到如何支持和鼓励子女在家继续练习所学到的技巧。详情请点击上面的  Outline。

English Outline of Art of Making Friends

This 16-session programs will offer intensive and fun social skills training for youth (12-19) with social anxiety and high functioning autism. The group members will learn effective communication techniques and social skills. Parents will receive training on how to support their kids and teens with practicing and utilizing the skills learned. Please click the above Outline for details.