Art-Based Mindfulness Anxiety Group Chinese Flyer
寓治疗于正念、艺术,能让儿童、青少年和成人更了解焦虑、 恐惧、压力的根源,从而能更勇敢地面对人生挑战。这个8节的治疗小组通过艺术、手艺和正念练习,组员不但能学到处理焦虑、恐惧、压力的有效方法,更能提高个人的創造力、自信心和自尊感。详情请点击上面的 Flyer。
Art-based Mindfulness Anxiety Group English Flyer
This 8-session program will give children, youth and adults opportunity of learning effective strategies to deal with fear, stress and life challenges creatively in a fun, safe and supportive environment. Participants will be introduced to art, crafts, and mindfulness to enhance their self-awareness and coping skills. No previous art training is needed. Please click the above Flyer for details.